2013년 5월 16일 목요일

The Music

The music (August's Rhapsody) is very interesting.
It involves many classical instruments, such as cello, violin, contra bass, harp, acoustic guitars, and drums. The reason is because the main character is conducting the New York Philharmonic orchestra.
There are some other things that makes sounds in the orchestra other than instruments.In the beginning of the scene, there is some one rubbing wine glasses with water making mysterious sound, and swinging something in the air to make vibration.

The music changes tempo and dynamic throughout the scene. The music starts with 'Piano" in the beginning and changes to "Allegro" and soon it changes into "Moderato". The dynamics and tempo suits the scene. The music describes the feeling of the characters and indicates the essential part of the movie.

The Music is played in C Major.

The Scene

-The Scene-

The scene of the movie is when August Rush is performing his piece, by conducting the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.The first 3 minutes of the scene that I chose from the movie, shows August conducting the orchestra, and her mom watching him conducting. The scene also includes that his father sees her wife (Lyla)'s name on the poster and runs to the concert where August is conducting his piece. 

Basic Information

August's Rhapsody


August's Rhapsody is the OST of the movie " August Rush" and it is played at the very end of the movie, when August conducts the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. It goes for 7 minutes and 37 seconds.

August's Rhapsody is composed by Mark Manica. He is well-known for composer of film music. He composed soundtrack for Con Air, and arrange many songs behind Disney's The Lion King including the Broadway musical.